
I am so excited to have you as a part of The Fearless Leader summit!
Below you will find our promotional material and swipe copy that you will need to promote the summit. 
This is a community effort, meaning we, The Fearless Leader community, are all promoting this together before it goes live and during the Summit. That is a huge opportunity for all of us to share our message and our mission with so many new people. The interviews I have done so far have been powerful, expansive, and eye-opening.  I am so grateful for each one of you! 
Our pre-Summit Promo dates are December 24th – January 3rd.
Our Summit goes lives on January 4th and runs until January 24th. 
You will find specific solo email copy for your main email, which you may edit to sound like your own words IF you choose to, and any of the copy and images may be used for your newsletter blurb. 
You will also find social media images for your social media promotion. 
There is a group image as well as an individual image and I encourage you to use both in your promotions. Some speakers are still to get their bio picture to me so the group image will be updated as these pictures come in.
On the day of your interview, attendees will be receive a link to a dedicated page which will include your video, your bio, your headshot, and your gift/ offer info and links (if you are making one). I will share your link with you prior to your day.

I will share the schedule of speakers with you next week as I am still waiting on a couple of speakers to return their information to me.

I can’t wait to share your wisdom!! I know I have made changes to my own business from your advice and I can see positive results already! 

Please message me with any questions at narelle@narelletodd.com
Narelle Todd
Further Speaker Images to Come
Your solo email and newsletter

Click here to download the Word file


Copy the text below

Subject: Get Out of Your Own Way and Grow Your Remote Team

I want you to meet Narelle Todd who is the founder of NarelleTodd.com and GetMyBookOutThere.com.

As a busy entrepreneur who loves to see other businesses and people soar, Narelle has been challenged with growing her own remote team and there have been some things she has done really well, and some things, not so much. And then 2020 hit and remote working became the norm for so many. The challenges faced by big business in adapting to our new way of working, were also faced by entrepreneurs and small business, but resources were few to help small business.

So Narelle decided to take on her own research project to learn HOW women entrepreneurs and small business owners can work remotely AND build a strong and vibrant team. That’s why I was so thrilled to be part of The Fearless Leader summit with Narelle when she told me she was hosting an interview series all around this topic. I know that the information shared will be useful for business owners and corporate people managers alike. 

It’s called THE FEARLESS LEADER: Essential Strategies for Women Entrepreneurs to Confidently Create Their Wickedly Effective Remote Team!

Here’s what is going to be covered in the VIDEO INTERVIEWS:

– The power of your leadership in creating a highly effective remote team;

– How to delegate and stop doing the jobs you hate in your business;

– How to release control and perfectionism as the Jill of All Trades in your business to build a kickbutt team that serves your clients just like you;

– How to automate your business so you can spend more time with family;

– True struggles business owners who are parents and carers are having adapting to working remotely and how to overcome them; AND

– How to setup your business team for success right from the start!

These interviews are REAL, short, and to the point conversations with remote working experts and entrepreneurs. Each day you will receive access to a bit-sized interview with an expert so you can focus on the message from that expert and because we know how busy you are!

I have a complimentary ticket for you to attend. You can register using this link >> https://www.narelletodd.com/fearlessleader/

Just so you know, you will be able to watch from your home, office or on the go.

This is for women entrepreneurs and small business owners who want to grow their business but are challenged with the mindset, technology, self-management, team management, and systems and processes that are part of this way of working.

Together, we want to help you with the HOW behind working with a remote team WHILE staying strong in your leadership and vision.

I have a complimentary ticket for you to attend. You can register using this link >> https://www.narelletodd.com/fearlessleader/

Just so you know, you will be able to watch from your home, office or on the go.

This is a great opportunity to anyone in my community who is an entrepreneur or small business owner (AND of course you can also attend if you are not). This information is something I wish all remote businesses had when setting up their business which is why I am so glad Narelle is hosting this and that I get to share it with you.

You can register for The Fearless Leader here >> https://www.narelletodd.com/fearlessleader/


P.S. In case you are wondering who the speakers are, here are just a handful of speakers you will hear from: Elisa Rossi, Kim Garst, Laurel Farrer, Lisette Sutherland, Michael Silwinski, to S.E. Smith.


Lee Johnsen, Liam Martin, Mamie Kanfer Stewart, Molood Ceccarelli, to Stephan Dohrn, and Teresa Douglas.

That’s just a handful. You can find out who the rest of them are right here >> https://www.narelletodd.com/fearlessleader/